October 26-27, 2018 • Queens College, CUNY
Hosted and sponsored by the Department of Computer Science.
Authors are invited to submit abstracts (up to 4 pages, in any reasonable 1- or 2-column format) for contributed talks to be given at the workshop. Submission is via easychair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=fwcg18). We encourage submissions of full paper drafts (if available) along with the abstract. Because there are no formal proceedings for the workshop, submission of material that is to be submitted to (or to appear in) a refereed conference (e.g., SODA'2019, SoCG'2019) is allowed and encouraged; please indicate clearly with the submission if the work has already been presented/accepted elsewhere. Contributed talk abstracts, due by September 28, will be reviewed by the program committee, with notification by October 5.